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Sept. 2021-Aug. 2022
DIRECTOR'S CIRCLE ($2,500-$4,999)
CONDUCTOR'S CIRCLE ($1,000-$2,499)
The Linda Ruth Kidani Trust (in honor of granddaughter, Hope Makana Shinsato)
Joan & Wayne Nakamoto (in honor of grandchildren, Maya, Mari & Tanner Nakamoto)
OHANA CIRCLE ($500-$999)
Regan Turner Bell
Joyce Lin-Conrad
Stella S. Matsuda
Marilyn Oshiro
PATRONS ($250-$499)
Neil Bates
Daniel Chun
Wayne Miyao
Seichi & Fusayo Nagai (in honor of grandsons, Tanner & Devin Teruya, and Oliver Crandall)
Richard & Gail Taira
Sandra & Mitch Taketa
Owen & Jan Tamamoto (in honor of grandchildren, Kara & Andrew Tamamoto)
FRIENDS ($1-$249)
Akamai Glass Company, Inc.
Clarynne Blanchard
Dimpna Figuracion
Allan & Sharon Freitas
Jodi Fujimoto
Warren & Nora Hahn
Erica Huggins
Rodney & Sharon Isa
Jason Louie
Lilly Rubin
Annette Tashiro
Lois Toyama
Julia Torgovitskaya
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